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Hello Friends, Welcome!

Are you ready for your next adventure?
My name is April and I'm ready to help you plan that trip you've been waiting for! No need to put it off any longer, I'll be here to help guide, inform and advise you along the way. I want to alleviate all those stressors of planning and sifting through all the options that best suits you and your needs. My expertise lies in creating personalized itineraries that cater to you and your family's preferences and passions, while also being respectful of your budget.  You work hard and your vacation is  an investment of your time and money.  I'm here to guide you so that you can get the most out of that investment. After all, we can agree that time with friends and loved ones is precious and making memories are the treasures of life. 

Jill Lozensky, TN

“April has planned several trips for our family. She takes so much of the stress out of vacation planning and allows you to enjoy the planning process and have a worry free vacation!"

Jeannie Helton, TN

“Best travel agent in the world by far! Super responsive.”

Shannon Magnacca, GA

"She can help plan an amazing vacation! She’s always available via email or phone to answer your questions!"

Trainings & Certifications

Continuing to educate myself on all things travel is important to me, because it means I can then serve you better. Click the play button below to see just of few of the many trainings and experiences I participate in yearly to keep that pledge to you!

I'd love to plan that for you...

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